Chapter 7: 6
Chapter 7: 6
14th February, 2018
Today was fun seeing it was Valentine's Day and all that. Pink and red littered the school. Confetti from
few surprises, bouquets, heart balloons, teddies and all that lovey-dovey stuff were seen almost at
every corner. It was really exciting trying to guess what a boy planned out for his girlfriend or a girl he
You would think the teachers would get involved and try to stop us, but not at all. One thing about this
school is that the teachers are almost non-existent. You could only find them in class when it was their
turn to teach. After that, they just disappear only to come when they were called because of an
emergency. We weren't complaining about the freedom though.
The boys really went all out today. We girls were secretly checking whose Valentine's Day surprise
would be the best. C-Jay changed into a t-shirt with Camille's face on it reading "Love of my life". I
scoffed loudly when I saw this earning a look from Camille. He gave Camille a matching t-shirt with his
face on it. He also gave her a small, cute locket that bore their faces, and her favorite box of
chocolates. It was really cute, but it wasn't real. At least Camille was overjoyed.
Tola is really the sweetest boy ever. I always knew that, but today he outdid his sweetness. It's obvious
that I don't deserve him. He'd walked up to our table during lunch with a guitar since he didn't stay with
us. I never knew he could play at all. I know I'm a horrible girlfriend. He sat on the other side of the Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.
table facing me and played Mine by Bazzi. He must have known I liked the song because I would play
it most times and silently wish someone would sing it to me and mean it. Tobi had never sung before,
so you could imagine how shocked I was hearing how sweet and smooth his voice was. Just like him.
He was too good.
After singing he handed me a huge pink teddy and a huge bar of Diary Milk, my favorite. Before I could
take it, Camille who was beside me had rushed to his side and hugged him tightly while bawling like a
baby. That girl is too emotional, I swear.
After gently pulling my best friend from my boyfriend, I kissed him hard showing him how much I
appreciated everything. When I pulled away he was actually tottering like a baby learning to walk. I had
that effect on him and he was so cute and funny. My laughter was interrupted by the sound of glass
breaking as Kelechi stormed out of the hall. Whatever got him so mad was his business; I wouldn't let
him spoil my day.
Tola came home with me since my aunt was at work and my Granny had traveled to help my cousin
take care of her new baby. Don't ask me what we did. You wouldn't want to know. Let's just say I gave
him a good Valentine's Day gift.