Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Tired of her meaningless and fruitless effort, she used her hand to carry the strand and place it at
its rightful place behind her, just where it belonged. Even though she had achieved her goal, she still
felt a sense of defeat, like she lost to the strand.
She quickly pulled herself together, realising the goal she was neglecting.
“School! I should start getting ready” She mumbled.
Without wasting more time than what she had done already, she darted toward the bathroom to
freshen up.
She brushed her teeth while staring at her reflection in the mirror directly facing her, a habit she
had cultivated ever since she was little. Without this little truck, she never managed to take care of her Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.
teeth properly.
She glared at the unruly hair she had on, noticing blue strands appearing among the
predominantly black colour.
“It's happening again, uh?” She thought to herself.
She quickly finished up with her teeth and went to take her bath, brushing off the thought of her
hair. It was something she didn’t want to bother with so early in the morning. She had more important
things to think about. For example, her perfect attendance record.
“Better hurry up!” She said under her breath.
After thirty minutes and her daughter was still not downstairs, Roxanne’s mother had stopped
checking the time.
“She’s never been this tardy before. I wonder…”
As her thoughts trailed off, she suddenly heard a ringing sound coming from the table in front of
her. The ringtone and vibrations from her smartphone made the woman snap from her thoughts on her
daughter as she quickly reached for her phone.
Her eyes tightened and her lips pursed when she saw the number calling her. It was unsaved, but
she recognized the person the number belonged to. She tightened her left fist as her right hands
trembled slightly as she saw it.
“Just leave me alone… Please…” She muttered as she stared hard at the number, waiting for the
call to time out.
Her moment of wait seemed like forever, until finally the call ended without her answering. She
took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and clutched her chest. She heaved a sigh of relief, but at
the same time, sadness. She didn’t know how to feel, or what to do.
Her phone suddenly started ringing again, startling her for a bit as the vibrations could be felt from
her body since the phone was close to her chest. She quickly glanced at the phone and saw yet the
same number. She made a deep scowl as she stared intensely at the digits displayed on the device.
“Ohhh, who’s got mum so upset this early in the morning?” Roxanne’s voice suddenly appeared.
Roxanne’s mother’s skin jumped from the sound of her voice, nearly dropping her phone due to
her sudden appearance. She quickly grabbed it and placed it back on the table, while appearing to
maintain a semblance of normalcy.
“Oh, that? That was just work. Some annoying client just won’t get off my back” Her mother said
with a slight smile, obviously she was faking it.
Roxanne stared hard at her mother and observed her face. Her now brown eyes, thanks to contact
lenses, focused on her Mom’s expression.
Her mother’s eyes twitched and her lips pursed while her fingers moved irrationally, tapping on the
she sat on. This only happened when her mother was being dishonest about something.
“She’s lying,” Roxanne thought to herself.
Her mother’s work involved bookkeeping and accounting, so she never had to deal with customers
or clients. She worked for a very large company, so she only answered to her superiors, which were
very few. Besides, since the time she knew her mother, she had never once received any calls from
‘annoying clients’.
Something was definitely fishy, but she had no right to pry or judge her mother. After all, she was
keeping a few secrets of her own.