Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Johan had gone by the time I brought Dorothy her tea. Apparently, he had slipped out not long after
they’d completed the rejection saying he needed to go and find Mavis. My heart hurt for my friend but I
hoped he would find some relief now that it was all
hoped this meant Mavis would finally leave Dorothy alone too. Johan had proved himself loyal and
Dorothy was no longer a threat. He and Mavis could stay together and Dorothy would be allowed to
finally move on.
I wondered what she would decide to do now that that avenue of her life had been closed off for good. I
wondered – keeping my mind tightly shut from her probing into my thoughts – if she saw me in her
future at all. I brushed this thought aside just as quickly as it arose.
Dorothy had just experienced multiple traumatic events in the span of two days, ideas. of the future
would be the last thing on her mind. She would be able to heal herself once mor
and her heat cycles would be more manageable.
Dorothy smiled weakly as I entered, carrying two cups of tea and a chocolate bar I had shaken from the
vending machine when no one was looking.
I would have to remind myself to fetch my wallet and pay for it later. I placed the cups on the stand next
to her and awkwardly placed myself on the edge of the bed,
“How are you feeling?” I asked tentatively. I wanted nothing more than to take her hands in mine but
instead, I meshed my fingers together and placed them in my lap.
Dorothy shrugged, feigning indifference, but her eyes were wet with tears and her shoulders slumped
forwards. “I guess I’m okay. I mean, on the bright side at least I’m not dead,” she laughed but her smile
didn’t reach her eyes.
I followed her act and raised my brow, “No surprise there. I’ve come to learn that you’re a lot tougher
than you look.”
That seemed to put a genuine smile on her face and she giggled. “Well, Ignatius, I’ve come to realize
that you’re alot ‘softer than
you look.”
“Hey now,” I said in mock sternness, wagging a finger at her, “you keep that knowledge a secret.
Where would we be if my pack were to find out their future Alpha was a big softie?”
Dorothy snickered wickedly then paused, “Alpha? You’re Elliot Armondt’s son?”
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I hesitated. It hadn’t occurred to me that Dorothy might see me differently if she knew I was a
prominent member of the imposing Northern Pack.
Being the son of the infamous Elliot Armondt was either very good or very bad for your reputation
depending on whether you wanted to frighten or comfort your acquaintance.
“Yes,” I said slowly, studying her face and analyzing her reaction to my words, “my father is the leader
of the Bielke Pack. I’m next in line to take over as the Alpha after him.”
Dorothy seemed to think this over, biting her lip before saying, “I think make a great Alpha.”
you would
“You’re not bothered by the big scary Northerner? Who apparently smells like seaweed.”
I threw a pointed look at the doorway where the healer had walked past. I heard the old bat chuckle at
my words and rolled my eyes.
Dorothy shook her head and took my hand. “You’ve been kind to me when you had no reason to be.
You’ve treated me better than most individuals of this pack. Why would I judge you because of your
Her words were gentle and accepting and everything that I didn’t know I needed to hear. I felt relief
wash over me and gripped her hand tighter. We sat and talked for a good long while. Dorothy
reassured me that her injuries had begun to heal, albeit slowly.
We avoided the topic of Johan completely, neither of us wanting to think about the sadder side of
Dorothy’s reemerged healing abilities. Dorothy was almost done sipping her tea when a nurse popped
her head in, This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.
“Dorothy? Some girls are here to see you. They say they’re friends of yours.”
Dorothy frowned and tilted her head to the side. “Who?”
I was already getting to my feet, scrambling to stand like a shield before Dorothy when Claudia strode
in. She pushed past the nurse, followed by four others, and stopped abruptly when she saw me.
My presence had clearly disrupted whatever she and her crew had planned and she glared at me
keeping her distance, however, and most definitely recalling my menacing warning from earlier.
“Ignatius, what a surprise,” her words dripped with sarcasm. She looked past me, her pupils shrinking
when she locked eyes with her prey. “And Dorothy! How are the ribs. feeling, Gingersnap?”
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Dorothy had stiffened in place, her wide eyes shifting from me to Claudia and the four girls blocking the
exit. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, “What are you doing here Claudia? It’s already
been done. Mavis has no reason to still be after me.”
Claudia tossed her toffee-colored curls over her shoulder. “We just came to talk. You can tell your
guard dog to heel.” She turned her gaze to me at that last part and I uttered a deep, low growl in
response, flexing my fingers and preparing to fight.
Claudia took a step back at my ferocious glare. “You can’t fight us on our territory, Ignatius. How would
that make your father look?” I twitched at the mention of Elliot and snarled.
“Enough, Claudia,” Dorothy interrupted her, “leave Ignatius out of this. Besides, this is between me and
She pushed herself out of bed and stood up. She was much shorter than Claudia and not very scary-
looking, standing there in a shirt much too big for her, but her face was fierce and she scowled at the
other girl, “You need to leave.”
Claudia looked like she was prepared to fight but the sudden appearance of the healer had us all
caught off guard. “I believe your presence is not wanted here Mis. Montgomery,” I had never been so
grateful to see the old bat before just then. “I’m afraid I have to kindly ask you girls to leave.”
Jumping like a child caught in the act of misbehavior, Claudia’s expression morphed into one of pure
innocence. “We just wanted to see how Dorothy was doing ma’am. Nothing more.”
The healer ignored this statement and turned her gaze to the athletic-looking girl called Lana.
“And you, Miss Vander, I expected better from you. Harassing the poor girl like this, I’ll have to have a
word with your mother.”
Lana looked stoic as always but she marched past the healer and left, mumbling an apology as she
went. The other girls followed suit until it was just Claudia left in the
She shifted her stance, unsure whether she should fight or obey. The healer adjusted her glasses.
“Miss Montgomery. Scram.”
With a final glare at Dorothy, Claudia turned sharply on her heel and headed for the door. “This isn’t
She hissed at the both of us before disappearing in a flurry of bouncing curls and pink lace. I was sure
that it wasn’t.
I made a promise to myself to pay a friendly visit to Mavis that afternoon. As well as make sure there
were friendly faces keeping an eye on Dorothy at all times during her stay at the clinic.
This was far from over.
I arrived home late that evening. My mind was spinning with what had just occurred. Plato, my true
mate, was everything a girl could want in a man and more. His scent was still fresh on my skin where
his lips had brushed my neck ever so gently as we parted.
Collapsing into one of the cream-colored leather armchairs in the main hall I ran over the events of the
day in my head; Plato had rushed into the coffee shop the moment he caught my scent, he told me.
After the flurried introduction we had spoken for hours. He had originally lived a fair distance away and
only recently moved to the city to study. Plato said he had felt our connection too, but seeing as it
wasn’t an intense and nob*dy had ever come looking for him, he assumed that his mate had other
in life.
It was only hours before that fateful moment at the coffee shop when he first felt the full force of the
mating call. It shook him to his core and he set out to find me immediately. He saw me in the window as
he passed by and rushed in immediately. And the rest was history.
I had felt his presence too, only I’d been so distracted by my own angry thoughts towards Johan that I
paid no attention to them. Speaking of Johan, I had found myself in a bit of a predicament.
On one hand, Johan was loyal and gentle and I had molded him perfectly to be the ideal mate for me.
Thanks to me he was on his way to the top. He was reliable, and we had been together for so long.
On the other hand, however, there was Plato. He was fresh and exciting and clearly motivated
considering his dedication to studying in the city.
Furthermore, he seemed completely infatuated with me. My heart turned tumble wheels when I thought
of how he had stared at me like I was the finest creature to walk the earth. Like I was a goddess in his
Johan hadn’t even managed to reject someone for me. Johan had insulted me and all the work I had
put into our relationship. If I hadn’t threatened to leave him for good, who knows if he would have even
rejected Dorothy at all.
Dorothy. I would have to call Claudia and ask how that went. If luck was in my favor Dorothy would be
somewhere dead in a ditch by now. I gazed out of the french
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It was getting dark outside, the streetlamps were flickering on one by one and the moths were drawn to
the bright orange glow. I watched as the fragile winged creatures danced around the glowing bulbs
before flying straight into them and falling to the ground.
Plato or Johan? Who to choose? Plato had asked me out on an official date for the following night. I
took down his number and told him I’d have to get back to him. I had to give myself time to think things
I contemplated calling Johan to ask if he’d done what he was supposed to but decided. against it. Let
him stew in his own shame and guilt for a while longer. It was what he deserved for treating me so
The chiming of the doorbell wrenched me out of 1
internal monologuing. I wondered who would be calling so late in the evening. Probably Johan coming
to apologize with his tail between his legs like the lovesick puppy that he was.
I knew my mother was out for the night going home with whatever well-off gentleman she had
managed to scoop up this time.
Funny thing was, no matter how hard she tried, none of them ever stuck around for more than a day or
two. It would seem that while money may buy you happiness, it won’t buy you a man who won’t cheat.
I slid off the couch and glided to the front door. Peering through the eyehole I had expected to see
Johan or Claudia. I growled in irritation at what I saw and swung the door open to reveal Ignatius
instead, standing on the porch with a stormy expression. “What brings the infamous Ignatius to my
doorstep so late this winter night?” I drawled sarcastically, folding my arms so that my breasts looked
plumper than they already were. Let him drool over what he can’t have.
Ignatius ignored both my question and my subtle seduction and strode past me into the
“Nice place you’ve got here Mavis. I thought snakes lived under rocks.”
I scowled at him, marching after him as he made himself comfortable on my couch. “What do you want
Ignatius? Got a taste for blondes now that your redhead doesn’t need you anymore?”
Ignatius laughed. “Never really been into blondes funnily enough,” his voice trailed off as he stroked the
lining of the couch with his finger. “Tell me, Mavis, you didn’t happen to have a chat with Claudia today
did you?”
I remained standing, growing nervous at the odd calmness in his tone as he continued, “Because she
pulled up to the clinic today with a few of her friends and seemed ‘very’ determined to ‘talk’ to Dorothy.”
He looked at me under heavy, angry brows. “You didn’t send them after her, surely not? You’re above
that kind of petty behavior.”
I kept my tone nonchalant, “Whatever happens to Dorothy on her own time is not my problem. And
whatever my friends get up to isn’t my problem either. Now if you just came here to fling accusations at
me, I’d prefer it if you’d leave.”
Ignatius looked away from me and out of the window. More moths were circling the orange streetlight,
obstructing the bulb with powdery brown wings.
“I know it was you who sent them after Dorothy, Mavis. I also know it was you who had them attack her
outside of your college. Just couldn’t bear the thought that maybe Johan would choose someone better
than you, isn’t that right?”
“Dorothy is ‘not’ better than me!” I snapped with more passion than intended, “and you don’t know what
you’re talking about. You’re only involved in all of this because you think you’ve found yourself a new
pet to play with.” I lifted my head and looked down on him. “You gonna kill this one too?”
I could see I had clearly struck a nerve. Ignatius’s jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at. me. “So,
Johan told you about the accident?”
“Hah!” I spouted a humorless laugh that echoed around the hall, “You call that an accident? Your mate
died because of your own reckless behavior. That was no accident. That was you.” I tilted my head and
regarded him with mock sympathy.
“Ignatius, darling. That’s just what you do. You’re a danger to the people around you. A true wolf in
sheep’s clothing.”
“Enough!” Ignatius growled, “I didn’t come here today to discuss my shortcomings. I came here to tell
you to back off of Dorothy, for good.”
“You can’t protect her. You can’t protect anyone,” I growled back, “now get out of my house. Before I tell
the elders that the Bielke warrior attacked me in my home.”
up slowly
Ignatius stood put casually walked himself to the front door. “Be careful
Mavis, I’ve tried to put an end to this civilly. Next time, I won’t be so considerate.”
He left the door wide open and walked out into the night. It felt as if he had left the hall colder than it
had been before he came in.
I realized then, that he must genuinely care for Dorothy. Which was dangerous for us.
He had blatantly admitted that the only reason he hadn’t taken things further was because of the Bielke
pack’s reputation being on the line. If he were to find us outside of Kall territory, nothing could protect
us from the wrath of Ignatius Armoundt.
I picked up my phone and dialed a number,