Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Jaxon‘s POV
I look across the arena. And the introverted wolf that hid in a hoddie and baggy track pants is gone. In
her place is a fierce warrior. I was in the crowd when she was rejected. My cousins had stepped in. I
couldn‘t figure out why at first till I talked to them. What came out of that conversation was that this was
a she–wolf who deserved better than what she had been handed. As I look at her now I realize that
what I had seen before was a she wolf hiding who she truly was. This magnificent fighter before me
was the real wolf.
She was going to kick my ass. But it would be my honor to battle her. She had a fierce aura that Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.
screamed Alpha. After this I hope she would accept my pledge of friendship. The bell dings and the
battle begins. It was over quickly, she had been fierce. Taking no quarter, proving she was the best
fighter. And I felt joy at having been defeated by such a strong person. Right before I black out. 18
Sarah‘s POV
My blood is boiling with fury. How dare she show me up. How was she in the Alpha class. How dare
she try to steal Matt from me. That
little bitch would pay. My parents were mad at me. They wanted to know why I wasn‘t in at least the
elite fighter. Uh hello, I didn‘t want to break my nails, and all the sweating and running, ugh, so not
pretty. Also I didn‘t like pain. I loved to give it though. And I would give it to her. (2
I‘ll have daddy chain her to the post in the basement again. By the time I‘m through with her she‘ll
never think to show me up again. And how dare she change her name without permission. Didn’t she
know that she humiliated our parents publicly. They were also going to make her regret her decision. I
hope they kicked her out. After I‘m done with her first though.
I look for Matt in the stands. But he‘s not looking at me. Serenity had caved in his face, I knew from
experience that hurt, but he healed faster than I did, so all that‘s left is a lot of really ugly bruising. I had
been in pain and unable to show my face for three days. I try to get his attention but he‘s still not
looking at me. He‘s looking at the billboard with my sister‘s picture.
The slut was practically naked. Stupid bitch wasn‘t even covering up her horrible dark skin. And that
wolf of hers, what was with those
markings, she was grotesquely huge, too big for a she wolf. God she needs to lose weight. And
someone should tell her a snarl was horribly unattractive. But Matt is looking at that picture with
sadness and longing.
What! No! You‘re mine! You already rejected her, and she rejected you back! I look back at the picture.
That slut! She‘s still trying too take Matt from me! No! I won‘t allow it. That bitch should go to hell! This
time I‘ll make sure she has scars. I‘m going to carve her face with a silver knife. I‘ll put silver in the tails
of the whip before I whip her till her back and front are nothing but raw meat!!!! 2
My fury grows as I watch her descend into the arena, I look and sure enough Matt‘s eyes are still on
her, he‘s looking at her like he wants her. This only makes me seethe. My fists clenched so tight my
nails are drawing blood. She‘ll pay, oh she will. pay!!!! I look for my parents not bothering to watch the
My mom and dad are arguing with each other. She even made my parents forget about me. Me! I‘m
their Princess! The only one that matters. Before long the battle is over and she‘s declared the winner.
What?! I look up at the board and there it is. The bitch!!!
Matt‘s POV
I fucked up. I rejected my mate. I look at the picture on the board. And I no longer see anything ugly
about her. All of Sarah‘s words falling away. My wolf is silent inside my head. He never liked Sarah, he
never was going to accept her. But I had ignored him in the wake of what I thought was good sex. And
all the things Sarah told me. But I should have been thinking with my head and listening to my wolf
instead of following my dick. All the times my wolf told me not to listen to her. I should have listened.
Now I‘ve rejected my mate for someone, I now know was not worth it.
Once both parties reject the other, there is no way to repair the bond. I felt the pain, when I threw away
my Goddess given mate. Then Sarah had attacked her, but I‘d been, and am, too weak to protect her. I
look at her picture. The board, lists her as First Rank Alpha Class. She deserved better than me. My
wolf spoke to me for the first time in awhile “She should have someone stronger than us, she was right
to reject us.” Aries sadness is my own. “No, she didn‘t reject you. It was me she rejected.” I tell him,
pain in my voice.
“This was my fault. if we get a second chance. I‘ll not make the same mistake.” I feel Aries stir in me.
“Will you listen to me now.” he asks softly. “I should have been listening to you all
along. Hopefully the goddess will give us a chance at redemption. And another mate I will swear to love
and appreciate like I should have Alora.” I watch Alora as she descends, she looks ready for battle.
I‘m filled with sadness for what I‘ve thrown away, and longing for what could have been. “I hope the
next one the Goddess choses for her truly deserves her.” I look over at Sarah, the stupidest reason I
had for rejecting the glorious she–wolf. And I see her glaring in a poisonous fury at Alora. “I don‘t like
the look on her face.” I say to Aries.
“She‘s going to do something, something horrible to that girl.” was Aires response. “I don‘t doubt that.”
My stomach turns at the thought of having to go near Sarah. “The only thing we can do. Keep her
attention on us and away from Alora.” he growls not liking the Idea. “I also think it‘s time I talk to Darien.
He was right all those years ago.” sick to my stomach but resigned to my fate I look up for Darien, he
would be up next to fight Alora. 2
I see Darien using his phone to record the battle. The bell rings, bringing my attention back to the two
opponents. She moved fast, a blur of speed and grace going in low only to snap up high in a spinning whip like kick that
had the wolf flying back body spinning, he lands face down before rolling to the edge.
Alora landed from her kick with both feet spread her arms up in a fighters position. She waits for the
other wolf to get back up, he runs in her direction and she‘s off again with all that speed going at him
then she jumps up high over him, and spinning, lands another whip like kick on the back if his
shoulders, sending the large male crashing down to the floor.
Alora landed next to the wolf and jumps back before resuming what I‘m now tagging as her fighters
stance. She waits. Her opponent doesn‘t move. She‘s declared the winner, she hadn‘t even broken a
sweat, she wasn‘t breathing hard. She had moved from her fighters stance and was now standing
proud, shoulders back, spine straight, head held high, her eyes still glittering like purple diamonds.
She‘s an Alpha she wolf. Without having to be mated to an Alpha, she is an Alpha, and the full
ramifications of what I gave away start to drown me. I never deserved her. Her next mate would have to
be the Alpha of Alpha‘s to deserve being blessed with her.
Darien’s POV
After texting my brother I decide to record
Alora‘s battle so I can send it to him. I record her walk down into the Arena, her climb to the platform.
She removes her cardigan and skirt, and takes a familiar fighters stance. One I‘ve seen my brother and
father take. There is a reason I‘m one of the top two ranks of the Alpha class. But watching Alora move
and take down the other wolf reinforces why Alora was ranked first. I didn‘t start training with Alora till
this year. I knew she was training in a separate dojo arena since the beginning of high school.
I knew my brother and father had done that to protect her from her sister. But I realized as I was
training with her, it was also to help her hide her abilities. The less her family had to despise her, the
fewer reasons they had to abuse her, and the more chances she had to improve herself to get her out
of their reach. That‘s why my bother and father have helped her as they have. And I was thinking it
would be better to move her into the pack house sooner rather than later. Looking down at Sarah and
the maniacal fury on her face makes me think tonight would be the night she needed to move.
I send my brother the video of her fight. Then I sent him a message about what I‘ve observed and my
thoughts and gut instinct telling me we need to move her into the pack house tonight. I
same thing and was waiting on our father to message him back. I knew my father was among the
There was no way he was going to miss this. He has watched all of our official fights. Damien‘s, mine
and Alora‘s. He thinks of Alora as the daughter he never had, mom loves her, and wants to be able to
shower her with it. But mom knows what her family would do to her if they new how much the Luna and
Alpha of our pack cared about her. A
To me she was more than my best friend, she was my sister. But I was sure she meant so much more
to my big brother, and not as a sister. I hoped the Goddess will bring those two together. If anyone
would take care and love Alora the way she deserved, it was Damien, and at age 23 with no mate yet, I
was starting to wonder if that wasn‘t what the Goddess had planned in the first place.