Chapter 27
Chapter 27 Jonas
"Stop calling me that," I growl.
She sighs and stands up.
-That is all you are to me, Sir. she bows her head politely. I am at your service for whatever you need.-Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.
"Don't say that, Perry," I look up at her. Tm sorry."
"So am I, her voice is ****e. Tears slide down her face but she no longer looks at me.
"Okay," I stand up not wanting to make things worse. "You can take the day to rest. You can go back to work tomorrow morning.
"You're very generous, My King," she says when I get to the door
I want to turn around and tell her to knock this s***t off, but I feel f***ing exhausted and I just close the door gently without looking back. Dr. Alvarez is standing next to the door waiting for me to leave.
"You deserve that," she says quietly
"Make sure she eats, doctor. She'll just pick at her food and move it around to the plate to make it look like she's eaten. Put a hydration pack in her drink. It's not easy coming back from alcohol. I put a little Xanax in there too just to make it easier on her. I can't take that emotion into me anymore. She's not going to let me. I'll be in my study,"
"Does she know you do that?"
"It doesn't f***g matter anymore. Just make sure she's in good condition. I'm testing her out on the field in two days so don't let her sleep all day. She's all yours,"
"That's what she means," she says as I start walking again. I pause You're just not going to try. You've always been that way, Sweet Prince. It hurts the way it does because you love her or at the very least you love parts of her. You've changed so much since she's gotten here. I'd hate for you to revert back into the beast that woman turned you into,"
I look back at her to see her already stepping into Perry's room.
Fuck this
down to the lobby to get the hell out of here and find Jacob f***g Phurry dressed in a suit talking to our leading hunter. It has to be his interview for the hunting force. I stay back listening.
"This is very impressive, Jacob. It says here you have a daughter and a son,"
"Just the daughter now," he corrects Delgado.
"Will she be joining us as well?"
I'm not sure.
"A free spirit?"
Mackenzie is he chuckles,
More like a caged one that somehow escaped," he sighs.
That sounds rough," Delgado lauglis. "So, just you and the Quee
18:12 Thu, Oct 17 & GB.
"Guess so," he nods.
"You know you don't have to do this. You are an honorary guest of the throne,”
“I don't like to take up space without contributing. Sir. After the kids graduated from the academy, their appetites grew. What I made was less than picket change to them and they asked me to quit several times themselves. Guess I'm old fashioned like this."
"We're a dying breed, Plurry. My kids tell me the same thing. What do we have if not the hunt?"
"Amen," he chuckles.
"Well, I've seen everything I need to. If you come with me, I'll show you around, Delgado stands handing him his resume binder back. Jacob takes it and stands. "My King, he bows when he sees me approach. "Good morning."
"Good Morning, Delgado. Mr. Phurry,"
"My King" Jacob bows.
"Making yourself at home I see," I smile.
His lips pult up, but there's this look on his face. Like he knows something I don't. Maybe it's the irony of his situation. I see where she gets it from. Her ability to hide all those emotions she just loves to keep inside. She learned it from this man here.
"You're very generous, My King," he says in the same condescending tone she used minutes ago.
She might not be your blood, but she's your kid, huh?"
"You flatter me," he smirks.
"You know her well. How do I get her to forgive something s***id I said?”
"Perry is the gentlest of my children," he says. "Quick to forgive. It would have had to be something very serious for her to get upset with you," "It was,"
"Perry speaks two languages, My King." his wolf flashes in his eyes. "Nerd and Rage. You snuff out the anger when she's upset the only way a wolf knows how. Shifting, f***ng, and fighting. Not always in that order. The nerd ***, well. You just gotta put her in front of a computer and watch her free herself. That one can be dangerous. Perry doesn't know how to stop,"
"Thank you," I acknowledge the information with a nod. The two of them bow.
"My King," they say in unison. Delgado leads him away.
"You're a b
a brave wolf, Phurry. I've seen the king take someone's head off for just staring at him," he whispers.
"He upset my son's mate. If you knew her, you'd know Perry isn't the kind of person who is easily-insulted. She's all I have left and she's been through enough for him to mistreat her in any kind of way."
He says it loud enough for me to hear.
"My King, will you be needing anything?" Charles, the head of security and staffing comes out of the garage.
"Have Perry's cars been settled?"
"Yes, my King, Near yours as instructed. They're something." he miles. "They are a bit on the dusty side. If you like I could have them all detailed" 18:12 Thu, Oct 17
"No, I don't think she would like that. They were her mate's,"
"I see," he nods.
"You may reset the staffing to your liking, Charles. Have Julius come to look at the Queen's new collar. It needs to widen when she shifts. I forgot they did that,"
"Yes, sir."
"Also, have whoever is in charge of her clothing come ask for her preferences,"
“She is displeased with her wardrobe?"
"Who assigned her wardrobe?" I asked annoyed
The Queen, sir. Your mother. She said you'd prefer something softer. More delicate,"
"Okay, whatever the wolf wants. Get it for her," I roll my eyes.
"Yes, sir," he bows.
"This is f*** ridiculous, I growl heading out to go to the dome. "This entire fight was f****g dumb," CREA